Thursday 22 March 2012


After just wizzing through my level, I kept finding gaps and wondering why those gaps where there. Looking back at my initial block out I left spaces for the fauna of the time. So to sum up the fauna for the australopithecus afarensis, homo habilis and the homo erectus, I'm going to do a small area dedicated to animals. The main animal will be a dinofelis which I have done a paint of and modelled the skeleton below. Also in the display, will be small lowpoly models of a deinotherium and an ancylotherium, with mention of other animals that are also alive in the modern day.

my only issue with this skeleton so far is that this model is higher poly than I wanted it to be. It's come to 11,230 triangles. Since this is a centre piece it's not too bad, I do still have PLENTY of triangles left within my limit but I'll try and take it down at some point.

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